• Notice of Contribution Sample

    Notice of Contribution Sample Lawyer … of the law firm of …. is among the contributing authors of the Encyclopedia of the Law, an online profesional and scholarly work on the law and case law of the America, Europe, Asia, Africa and several nations. Published by Lawi, the encyclopedia includes thousands of entries on specific…

  • Legal Indexing

    Legal Indexing and Legal Indexes ‘An index and a bibliography have been integral components of scholarly monographs,…This is where they tend to start reading a new book – from the back…’ (Agata Mrva-Montoya) According to Nancy Mulvaney an index is “a structured sequence—resulting from a thorough and complete analysis of text—of synthesized access points to…

  • Public Repository

    Open Access A growing number of funding agencies now stipulate that research articles they have funded must be deposited in public repositories. The Encyclopedia of Law helps authors comply with these deposition requirements through our open access initiative Open Law Project. Journal of Legal Analysis is a full open acces periodical. Optional Open Acces Journals…

  • Rights and Permissions

    Permissions At the Encyclopedia of Law, it is a core part of our objectives to encourage the widest possible dissemination of the Encyclopedia content published while at the same time ensuring that the rights, including the rights of our authors. To enable further clarity for the re-use of limited amounts of the Encyclopedia content for…

  • Reference Tools

    Reference Tools ReferenceSoftware In order from the simplest through to the more advanced: OWLL APA Interactive creates customised examples of APA style references. It is good for creating a few references yourself; becoming familiar with and checking correct APA style. Discover (and some other Library databases) formats references in several styles, using the ‘Cite’ button…

  • Bibliography and Reference List

    Reference list vs. bibliography Reference lists (in MLA style called “lists of works cited”) contain a complete list of all the sources (books, journal articles, websites, etc.) that you have cited directly in a document. That means that if there are in-text citations for a source there is a reference list entry, and vice versa.…

  • Style

    Style The style of language you use in an entry or essay of the Encyclopedia of Law is important. Because the ideas in an Encyclopedia should be expressed in an objective manner, the entries and essays are written in third person. For example, “the purpose of this essay was to…” rather than “I did this…

  • See Also

    See Also . In “See Also”, authors may include full cross references to Entries treated elsewhere in one of the Encyclopedia entries or essays.

  • Conclusions

    Conclusions A Conclusion is a brief summary of the content of the entry and the potential implications of the legal issue. This is the summing up of your findings, argument or point of law. The conclusion should relate back to the Introduction. The Conclusion should only consist of a few sentences, and should reiterate the…

  • Abstract

    Abstract (Synopsis or Summary) An abstract (also called synopsis, summary or executive summary), which is different from an introduction, is an informative summary of the entry or essay, in which you include one or two sentences for every main section of your entry or essay. For example, you can include: • the context of the…